Struggling for Balance

Yes its Thursday Throw-down, a day late and a dollar short, and for those of you like me who have been so busy they’ve lost track of their days, it is indeed Friday. I’m kind of tacking onto Lora’s post from Tuesday, wait Wednesday as I think we’re in the same rowboat that’s currently taking on water and we can’t seem to bail fast enough to stay afloat.

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For those creatives out there who have day jobs to pay the bills, I’m betting you know what I’m talking about. If you have an artistic bent, creativity feeds the soul but may not, at least yet, put food on the table, and well, a girls gotta eat, right? But if you have a day job that takes some serious brain power as mine and Lora’s does, sometimes it can feel like it is sucking the life right out of you, and when it gets demanding, it seems to leave no room or brain power for the artistic side of you to create. What happens then is probably different for everyone. But for me, I find myself dipping down into a slump when I am forced to step away from the creative side of myself.

We talk a lot on this blog about balance, probably because we both struggle daily to find it in our lives as I am sure everyone does. Some have managed to find and keep it in their lives. Unfortunately, Lora and I are still working on that. Hence the challenges to ourselves and whoever wants to join us.

Several weeks ago I threw down a challenge to get a head start on those New Year’s resolutions. Several people jumped on board and kept it up for a while, and then slowly faded away. It could be that you fell off the horse because life got in the way. I know I did. But I figure there’s still almost a month to go, so if you haven’t met your challenge yet, or if you’ve gotten off track, take heart you are not alone and we still have almost a month to go. You can still get a jump on whatever that resolution may be.

My challenge today to you and myself is to stop letting things get in the way of what you want most out of your life, whether it’s the soul sucking day job, bills, family drama, whatever it is, don’t let it swallow your goals or dreams.

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My new favorite phrase is IT IS WHAT IT IS! I am using this almost daily now and it is helping. What gets in your way? Or if you’ve found a great way to move forward and conquer maybe you want to share the secret with the rest of us who are still struggling for the balance.


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2 Responses to Struggling for Balance

  1. Tricia Tyler says:

    Yeah I’d say I’m in the same boat and forgetting everything. My brain feels like scrambled eggs. Working in regaining some balance though.


  2. Lora Bailey says:

    Row, row, row da boat…..not so gently down the stream! It has been a whirlwind of a year, no doubt for us both. I, too, dropped off the head start plan. I gained back all the weight I lost in September, I haven’t written a word or played a note in more days than I care to share. Creative energy just goes out the window when I’m stressed. And, after 50+ hours on the day job this week I keep losing my phone, keys, teacup, and likely my mind. Found a quote for us: “The key to keeping your balance is knowing when you’ve lost it.” I’d say we’re there, no? 😉


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